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CP/M-68K for Motorola 68332

I have created a CP/M BIOS to be able to run CP/M-68K on an embedded system with a Motorola 68332 MCU. The 68332 contains a "Queued Serial Module" that the BIOS interacts with to provide a console for CP/M over a RS-232 serial port. There is only support for one disk, which is a RAM disk implementation, also handled by the BIOS. During development I relied heavily on the BDM functionality which I made an adapter for, but this can also be used to load the CP/M system and RAM disk image directly into memory through the use of S-records.

Since CP/M-68K programs are written for pure Motorola 68000 CPUs there is a known incompatibility with one particular "MOVE SR,xx" instruction in Motorola 68010 and later CPUs including the 68332 core. It is possible to patch this in software, so this BIOS implements the DeciGEL method originally used by some upgraded Amiga systems.

The particular board I am using has 256KB of RAM available, mapped starting at 0x100000 and I ended up with the following memory map by dividing it into 16x16KB parts:

| Start  | End    | Use      |
| 100000 | 103FFF | VBR      |
| 104000 | 107FFF | TPA      |
| 108000 | 10BFFF | TPA      |
| 10C000 | 10FFFF | TPA      |
| 110000 | 113FFF | TPA      |
| 114000 | 117FFF | RAM-Disk |
| 118000 | 11BFFF | RAM-Disk |
| 11C000 | 11FFFF | RAM-Disk |
| 120000 | 123FFF | RAM-Disk |
| 124000 | 127FFF | RAM-Disk |
| 128000 | 12BFFF | RAM-Disk |
| 12C000 | 12FFFF | RAM-Disk |
| 130000 | 133FFF | RAM-Disk |
| 134000 | 137FFF | RAM-Disk |
| 138000 | 13BFFF | CP/M     |
| 13C000 | 13FFFF | CP/M     |

This board already has it's own BIOS that sets up the hardware (e.g. the UART in the Queued Serial Module) and ends up pointing the CPU Vector Base Register (VBR) to 0x100000. TPA is the "Transient Program Area" used by programs that run within CP/M.

The RAM disk image can be prepared on another Linux computer using cpmtools and the following definition:

diskdef ram-68332
  seclen 128
  tracks 72
  sectrk 16
  blocksize 1024
  maxdir 64
  skew 0
  boottrk 0
  os 2.2

The commands involved in preparing the disk and then a S-record representation would typically be:

mkfs.cpm -f ram-68332 ramdisk.bin
cpmcp -f ram-68332 ramdisk.bin <file> 0:<file>
srec_cat ramdisk.bin -binary -offset 0x114000 -o ramdisk.s68 -motorola -disable=data-count -execution_start_address 0

Assembling the BIOS and linking CP/M-68K for a new system requires another already running CP/M-68K system with the development tools. The Digital Research documentation from the 80's suggests using a Motorola EXORmacs development system, but luckily we have emulators available for this purpose now.

From within the emulator the following steps are used to assemble, link and relocate the CP/M-68K system binary. The final command dumps the binary in S-record format to the console:

AS68 BIOS332.S

The CPMLIB library I got from the CP/M-68K version 1.3 disk set here.

Here is the BIOS assembly source code (BIOS332.S) in 68000 assembly language, it is based on the "ERG" BIOS from the Digital Research manuals:

*                                                               *
*               CP/M-68K BIOS                                   *
*       Basic Input/Output Subsystem                            *
*       For Motorola 68332 Embedded System                      *
*                                                               *

        .globl  _init           * BIOS initialization entry point
        .globl  _ccp            * CCP entry point

_init:  move.l  #traphndl,$10008c * Set up trap #3 handler (on VBR offset)
        move.l  #privhndl,$100020 * Catch privilege exception (on VBR offset)
        move.l  #welcome,a0     * Display welcome message
weloop: move.b  (a0)+,d1
        cmpi.b  #$24,d1         * Compare against '$'
        beq     wedone
        jsr     conout
        bra     weloop
wedone: clr.l   d0              * Log on disk A:, user 0

        cmpi    #nfuncs,d0
        bcc     trapng
        lsl     #2,d0           * Multiply bios function by 4
        movea.l 6(pc,d0),a0     * Get handler address
        jsr     (a0)            * Call handler

        .dc.l  _init    *  0 - Initialization
        .dc.l  wboot    *  1 - Warm boot
        .dc.l  constat  *  2 - Console status
        .dc.l  conin    *  3 - Read console character
        .dc.l  conout   *  4 - Write console character
        .dc.l  lstout   *  5 - List character output
        .dc.l  pun      *  6 - Auxiliary output
        .dc.l  rdr      *  7 - Auxiliary input
        .dc.l  home     *  8 - Home
        .dc.l  seldsk   *  9 - Select disk drive
        .dc.l  settrk   * 10 - Select track number
        .dc.l  setsec   * 11 - Select sector number
        .dc.l  setdma   * 12 - Set DMA address
        .dc.l  read     * 13 - Read sector
        .dc.l  write    * 14 - Write sector
        .dc.l  listst   * 15 - Return list status
        .dc.l  sectran  * 16 - Sector translate
        .dc.l  home     * 17 - N/A
        .dc.l  getseg   * 18 - Get address of memory region table
        .dc.l  getiob   * 19 - Get I/O byte
        .dc.l  setiob   * 20 - Set I/O byte
        .dc.l  flush    * 21 - Flush buffers
        .dc.l  setexc   * 22 - Set exception handle address


wboot:  jmp     _ccp

constat: move.b $fffc0d,d0      * Get status from SCSR register
        andi.b  #$40,d0         * Check for RDRF=1 data available?
        beq     noton           * Branch if not
        moveq.l #$1,d0          * Set result to true
noton:  clr.l   d0              * Set result to false

conin:  bsr     constat         * See if key pressed
        tst     d0
        beq     conin           * Wait until key pressed
        move.b  $fffc0f,d0      * Get key from SCDR register

conout: move.b  $fffc0c,d0      * Get status from SCSR register
        andi.b  #$01,d0         * Check for TDRE=1 transmit OK?
        beq     conout          * Wait until our port has aged...
        move.b  d1,$fffc0f      * And output it to SCDR register

lstout: rts

pun:    rts

rdr:    rts

listst: move.b  #$ff,d0 * Device not ready

home:   rts

        moveq   #0,d0
        cmpi.b  #1,d1           * Only disk A: RAM disk supported
        bpl     selrtn          * Return 0 in d0 for other disks
        move.l  #$114000,selmem * Prepare base memory address for RAM disk
        move.l  #dph,d0         * Point d0 at dph
selrtn: rts

settrk: move.b  d1,track

setsec: move.b  d1,sector

setdma: move.l  d1,dma

sectran: move.w d1,d0   * No sector translation, just 1-to-1 mapping

        clr.l   d0
        move.b  track,d0
        mulu    #16,d0          * Multiply by SPT
        add.b   sector,d0
        mulu    #128,d0         * Multiply by sector size
        add.l   selmem,d0       * Add offset for RAM disk address in memory
        move.l  dma,a0
        move.l  d0,a1
        move.l  #127,d0         * Read 128 bytes
rloop:  move.b  (a1)+,(a0)+     * Transfer byte
        dbra    d0,rloop
        clr.l   d0

        clr.l   d0
        move.b  track,d0
        mulu    #16,d0          * Multiply by SPT
        add.b   sector,d0
        mulu    #128,d0         * Multiply by sector size
        add.l   selmem,d0       * Add offset for RAM disk address in memory
        move.l  dma,a0
        move.l  d0,a1
        move.l  #127,d0         * Write 128 bytes
wloop:  move.b  (a0)+,(a1)+     * Transfer byte
        dbra    d0,wloop
        clr.l   d0

flush:  clr.l   d0      * Return successful

getseg: move.l  #memrgn,d0

getiob: rts

setiob: rts

setexc: andi.l  #$ff,d1         * Do only for exceptions 0 - 255
        cmpi    #8,d1
        beq     noset           * Skip touch privilege exception
        cmpi    #9,d1           * and Trace exception
        beq     noset
        lsl     #2,d1           * Multiply exception number by 4
        movea.l d1,a0
        add.l   #$100000,a0     * Add VBR to address
        move.l  (a0),d0         * Return old vector value
        move.l  d2,(a0)         * Insert new vector
noset:  rts

* DeciGEL patch originally made for Amiga systems using Motorola 68010
        movem.l D0/A0,-(SP)     * Save registers
        move.l  8+2(SP),A0      * Pointer to opcode
        move.w  (A0),D0         * Pickup opcode
        andi.w  #$FFC0,D0       * Mask out EA field
        cmpi.w  #$40C0,D0       * Is it a MOVE SR,ea?
        bne.s   privsk
        bset    #1,(A0)         * Convert it to MOVE CCR,ea
privsk: movem.l (SP)+,D0/A0     * Restore regs
        rte                     * Rerun new opcode


* Welcome text

welcome: .dc.b  13,10,'CP/M for Motorola 68332',13,10,'$'

* Disk variables

selmem: .dc.l   0       * Disk (RAM disk base address) requested by seldsk
track:  .dc.b   0       * Track requested by settrk
sector: .dc.b   0       * Sector requested by setsec
dma:    .dc.l   0       * DMA address requested by setdma

* Memory region definition

memrgn: .dc.w   1       * 1 memory region
        .dc.l   $104000 * Start
        .dc.l   $ffff   * Length/size

* Disk parameter header

dph:    .dc.l   0       * No translation table used
        .dc.w   0       * Dummy
        .dc.w   0
        .dc.w   0
        .dc.l   dirbuf  * Pointer to directory buffer
        .dc.l   dpb     * Pointer to disk parameter block
        .dc.l   0       * Check vector not used for unremovable RAM disk
        .dc.l   alv     * Pointer to allocation vector

* Disk parameter block

dpb:    .dc.w   16      * Sectors per track
        .dc.b   3       * Block shift
        .dc.b   7       * Block mask
        .dc.b   0       * Extent mask
        .dc.b   0       * Dummy fill
        .dc.w   143     * Disk size
        .dc.w   63      * 64 directory entries
        .dc.w   0       * Reserved
        .dc.w   0       * Check vector not used for unremovable RAM disk
        .dc.w   0       * Track offset zero since no boot sector on RAM disk


dirbuf: .ds.b   128     * Directory buffer
alv:    .ds.b   18      * Allocation vector = (disk size / 8) + 1


Topic: Scripts and Code, by Kjetil @ 20/01-2023, Article Link