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SPEA Graphiti Painter 3

I have a 2D graphics card from the early 90s typically used for CAD work, manufactured by a now defunct German company named SPEA. The card is the "Graphiti Painter 3". Instead of the regular HD15 VGA connector it uses a DE9 connector.

To be able to connect it to a regular VGA monitor, I made an adapter using the following connection table:

|             | VGA | DE9 |
| Signal      | Pin | Pin |
| Red Video   | 1   | 1   |
| Green Video | 2   | 2   |
| Blue Video  | 3   | 3   |
| Ground      | 5   | 9   |
| HSync       | 13  | 4   |
| VSync       | 14  | 5   |

I happened to have both connectors available on those cables typically connected to motherboards or SBCs. These can easily be linked together using male pin-header wires. In addition I added a ferrite core which may help with noise:

HD15 to DE9 converter cable.

The only drivers available for the card is for Windows 3.x or certain CAD programs, but here are some graphics generated by the "GDCLOGO.EXE" program run from DOS:

Logo generated by SPEA software.

Topic: Configuration, by Kjetil @ 16/12-2022, Article Link