Fluxbox Styles
I almost exclusively use the Fluxbox window manager on my systems. Recently I have looked into how to create custom styles, and have finally been able to boil it down into something that's easy to manage.
Here's a desktop screenshot of a style I made:
But the most interesting part is the trimmed down style file:
*.textColor: #009900 *.color: black *.focus.color: #009900 *.focus.textColor: black *.focused.color: #009900 *.focused.textColor: black *.font: glisp *.borderWidth: 1 *.borderColor: #009900 menu.bullet: triangle menu.bullet.position: right menu.title.color: #009900 menu.title.textColor: black menu.title.justify: center menu.frame.color: black menu.frame.textColor: green menu.hilite.color: #009900 menu.hilite.textColor: black menu.frame.disableColor: grey50 window.button.focus.picColor: black window.button.unfocus.picColor: green window.*.focus: raised gradient vertical window.*.focus.colorTo: #00ee00 toolbar.*.focused: raised gradient vertical toolbar.*.focused.colorTo: #00ee00 menu.title: raised gradient vertical menu.title.colorTo: #00ee00
In the corner of the screenshot you'll also notice conky running. Here is the conkyrc file creating a similar colorscheme to match the Fluxbox style.
alignment top_right background yes border_width 1 cpu_avg_samples 2 default_color green default_outline_color green default_shade_color green draw_borders no draw_graph_borders yes draw_outline no draw_shades no use_xft no xftfont DejaVu Sans Mono:size=12 gap_x 5 gap_y 5 minimum_size 300 5 net_avg_samples 2 no_buffers yes out_to_console no out_to_stderr no extra_newline no own_window no own_window_class Conky own_window_type desktop own_window_transparent yes stippled_borders 0 update_interval 1.0 uppercase no use_spacer none show_graph_scale no show_graph_range no double_buffer yes TEXT ${color green4}Uptime:$color $uptime ${color green4}Battery:$color $battery ${battery_bar} ${color green4}RAM Usage:$color $mem/$memmax - $memperc% ${membar 4} ${color green4}CPU \#1:$color ${cpu cpu1}% ${cpubar cpu1 4} ${color green4}CPU \#2:$color ${cpu cpu2}% ${cpubar cpu2 4} ${color green4}CPU \#3:$color ${cpu cpu3}% ${cpubar cpu3 4} ${color green4}CPU \#4:$color ${cpu cpu4}% ${cpubar cpu4 4} ${color green4}Processes:$color $processes ${color green4}Running:$color $running_processes ${color green4}Wired:$color ${addr eth0} ${color green4}Wireless:$color ${addr wlan0}
A final recommendation when using styles like this is to make sure that the "ls" command does not produce garish results. This setting helps:
export LS_COLORS='rs=00:di=01:ln=00:mh=00:pi=01:so=01:do=01:bd=01:cd=01:or=31;01:mi=00:su=00:sg=00:ca=00:tw=00:ow=00:st=00:ex=00:'